国际学术期刊《Brain Behavior and Immunity》编委
国际学术期刊《Frontiers in Pharmacology》编委
2000/09 – 2003/07,中国科技大学,神经生物学与生物物理学系,博士
1996/09 – 1999/07,徐州医科大学,生物化学与分子生物学系,硕士
2018/03 –至今,上海交通大学医学院,生物化学与分子细胞生物学,特聘教授
2009/03 – 2017/12,上海交通大学医学院,生物化学与分子细胞生物学,研究员
2006/07 – 2009/03,美国阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校,研究助理
2004/01 – 2006/06,美国阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校,博士后
2003/03 – 2003/12,美国麻省理工学院脑与认知神经科学系,博士后
4.国家自然基金面上项目,82071510,Cofilin SUMO/deSUMO动态修饰调控机制及其在焦虑中的作用、2021/01-2024/12、55万元、在研、课题负责人。
7.国家自然基金面上项目,31671053,TRPV1 SUMO/deSUMO修饰调控膜转运及其在痛觉调控中的作用、2017/01-2020/12、62万元、已结题、课题负责人。
12.上海市科委浦江人才项目,11PJ1406100,甘氨酸受体膜转运调节机制、 2011/01-2013/12、20万元、已结题、课题负责人。
1. Qiao Zhang, Weiji Weng, Xiaokun Gu, Jinhua Xiang, Yang Yang, Michael X Zhu, Weidong Gu*, Zhenzhou He*,Yong Li*. hnRNPA1 SUMOylation promotes cold hypersensitivity in chronic inflammatory pain by stabilizing TRPA1 mRNA. Cell Reports, 42(11):113401, 2023.
2. Weiji Weng, Xiaokun Gu, Yang Yang, Qiao Zhang, Qi Deng, Jie Zhou, Jinke Cheng, Michael X. Zhu, Junfeng Feng*, OuHuang*,Yong Li*. N-terminal α-amino SUMOylation of cofilin-1 is critical for its regulation of actin depolymerization. Nature Communications, 14(1):5688, 2023.
3. Yingwei Gao, Ruining Ma, Weiji Weng, Heng Zhang, Yingping Wang, Rongjun Guo, Xiaokun Gu, Yang Yang, Fan Yang, Aiwu Zhou, Jinke Cheng, Zhe-Yu Chen*, Michael X Zhu*, Yong Li*. TRPV1 SUMOylation suppresses itch by inhibiting TRPV1 interaction with H1 receptors. Cell Reports, 39(11):110972, 2022.
4. Siman Gao, Xiangteng Zhao, Lin Hou, Ruining Ma, Jie Zhou, Michael X. Zhu, Si-Jian Pan,Yong Li. The interplay between SUMOylation and phosphorylation of PKCd facilitates oxidative stress-induced apoptosis. The FEBS Journal, 288(22):6447-6464, 2021.
5.Xiangteng Zhao, Bianbian Xia, Jinke Cheng, Michael X Zhu,Yong Li. PKC epsilon SUMOylation Is Required for Mediating the Nociceptive Signaling of Inflammatory Pain. Cell Reports, 33(1):108191, 2020.
6. Huiqing Liu, Weiji Weng, Rongjun Guo, Jie Zhou, Jun Xue , Shan Zhong , Jinke Cheng, Michael X Zhu, Si-Jian Pan*,Yong Li *. Olig2 SUMOylation protects against genotoxic damage response by antagonizing p53 gene targeting. Cell Death and Differentiation, 27(11):3146-3161, 2020.
7. Dehua Huang, Huiqing Liu, Aoxue Zhu, Yi Zhou,Yong Li. Forebrain excitatory neuron-specific SENP2 knockout mouse displays hyperactivity, impaired learning and memory, and anxiolytic-like behavior. Molecular Brain, 13(1):59, 2020.
8. Ruining Ma, Lina Ma, Weiji Weng, Yingping Wang, Huiqing Liu, Rongjun Guo, Yingwei Gao, Jun Tu, Tian-Le Xu, Jinke Cheng, Michael X Zhu, Aiwu Zhou*,Yong Li*. DUSP6 SUMOylation protects cells from oxidative damage via direct regulation of Drp1 dephosphorylation. Science Advances, 6(13):eaaz0361, 2020.
9. Yan Wang, Yingwei Gao, Quan Tian, Qi Deng, Yangbo Wang, Tian Zhou, Qiang Liu, Kaidi Mei, Yingping Wang, Huiqing Liu, Ruining Ma, Yuqiang Ding, Weifang Rong, Jinke Cheng, Jing Yao, Tian-Le Xu, Michael X Zhu,Yong Li. TRPV1 SUMOylation regulates nociceptive signaling in models of inflammatory pain. Nature Communications, 9(1):1529, 2018. (highlighted in “Faculty of 1000”, 2018).
10. Xiaoling Li, Yan Wang, Aoxue Zhu, Jie Zhou,Yong Li. PKC SUMOylation inhibits the binding of 14-3-3τ to GluK2. Channels (Austin), 11(6):616-623, 2017.
11. Huijun Zhang, Yan Wang, Aoxue Zhu, Dehua Huang, Shining Deng, Jinke Cheng, Michael X Zhu,Yong Li. SUMO-specific protease 1 protects neurons from apoptotic death during transient brain ischemia/reperfusion. Cell Death and Disease, 7, e2484, 2016.
12. Yan Wang, Yangbo Wang, Huijun Zhang, Yingwei Gao, Chao Huang, Aiwu Zhou, Yi Zhou,Yong Li. Sequential posttranslational modifications regulate PKC degradation. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 27:410-420, 2016.
13. Feng Liu, Qin Zhou, Jie Zhou, Hao Sun, Yan Wang, Xiuqun Zou, Lingling Feng, Zhaoyuan Hou, Aiwu Zhou, Yi Zhou,Yong Li. 14-3-3τ promotes surface expression of Cav2.2 (α1B) Ca2+ channels. Journal of Biological Chemistry , 290(5):2689-2698, 2015.
14. Hao Sun, Li Lu, Yong Zuo, Yan Wang, Yingfu Jiao, Wei-Zheng Zeng, Chao Huang, Michael X Zhu, Gerald W Zamponi, Tong Zhou, Tian-Le Xu, Jinke Cheng,Yong Li. Kainate receptor activation induces glycine receptor endocytosis through PKC deSUMOylation. Nature Communications, 5:4980, 2014.
15. Changcheng Sun, Haifa Qiao, Qin Zhou, Yan Wang, Yuying Wu, Yi Zhou,Yong Li. Modulation of GluK2a Subunit-containing kainate receptors by 14-3-3 Proteins. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 288:24676-24690, 2013.
16. Chen Huang, Wei-Guang Li, Xiao-Bing Zhang, Li Wang, Tian-Le Xu, Dazheng Wu*,Yong Li. Alpha-asarone from Acorus gramineusalleviates epilepsy by modulating A-Type GABA receptors. Neuropharmacology, 65:1-11, 2013.
17. Li Wang, Wei-Guang Li, Chen Huang, Michael X Zhu, Tian-Le Xu, Da-Zheng Wu*,Yong Li*. Subunit-specific inhibition of glycinereceptors by curcumol. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 343(2):371-9, 2012.
18.Yong Li, Xinqiu Liu, Yuying Wu, Zhe Xu, Hongqin Li, Leslie C Griffith, Yi Zhou. Intracellular regions of the Eag potassiumchannel play a critical role in generation of voltage-dependent currents. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286(2):1389-99, 2011.
19.Yong Li, Gaston Calfa, Takafumi Inoue, Michelle D Amaral, Lucas Pozzo-Miller. Activity-dependent release of endogenous BDNF from mossy fibers evokes a TRPC3 current and Ca2+ elevations in CA3 pyramidal neurons, Journal of Neurophysiology, 103(5):2846-56, 2010.
20. Roujian Lu,Yong Li, Youwen Zhang, Yunjia Chen, Angela D Shields, Danny G Winder, Timothy Angelotti, Kai Jiao, Lee E Limbird, Yi Zhou, Qin Wang. Epitope-tagged receptor knock-in mice reveal that differential desensitization of alpha2-adrenergic responses is because of ligand-selective internalization. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284(19):13233-43, 2009.
21.Yong Li, Yuying Wu, Rui Li, Yi Zhou. The role of 14-3-3 dimerization in its modulation of the CaV2.2 Channel. Channels (Austin), 1(1):1-2, 2007.
22.Yong Li, Yuying Wu, Yi Zhou. Modulation of inactivation properties of CaV2.2 channels by 14-3-3 proteins. Neuron, 51(6):755-71, 2006.
23.Yong Li, Long-Jun Wu, Pascal Legendre, Tian-Le Xu. Asymmetric cross-inhibition between GABAA and glycine receptors in rat spinal dorsal horn neurons. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278(40):38637-45, 2003.
24.Yong Li, Yan-Fang Li, Tian-Le Xu. Amiloride inhibition of glycinergic mIPSCs in mechanically dissociated rat spinal neurons. Neuroscience Letters, 349(1):17-20, 2003.
25.Yong Li, Tian-Le Xu. State-dependent cross-inhibition between anionic GABA(A) and glycine ionotropic receptors in rat hippocampal CA1 neurons. Neuroreport, 13(2):223-6, 2002.
26. Lin Pei,Yong Li, Guangyi Zhang, Zhaochun Cui, Zhengmei Zhu. Mechanisms of regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of NMDA receptor subunit 2B after cerebral ischemia/reperfusion. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 21(8):695-700, 2000.
27. Lin Pei,Yong Li, Jingzhi Yan, Guangyi Zhang, Zhaochun Cui, Zhengmei Zhu. Changes and mechanisms of protein-tyrosine kinase and protein-tyrosine phosphatase activities after brain ischemia/reperfusionsubunit 2B after cerebral ischemia/reperfusion. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 21(8):715-20, 2000.